THE MANY MEANING OF MONEY in Divorce & Family Mediation
MCDR’s Fall 2024 Program
October 24, 2024 Starts:8:00pm
Barry Weissman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 24, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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What is this “stuff” we call money as understood in divorce and family mediation? The couple is required to complete declarations of Assets & Liabilities and Expenses & Income. And yet, these amounts are to be listed in today’s values when in every case that I have ever had the privilege of participating, the couple wants to know what the future will hold. What is the meaning of this “stuff” we call money? How can the “stuff” be divided when we are not sure what it will means going forward?
Our conversation will first define our terms in ways people can relate to and understand. How do we define:
Values and determining each participant’s values
Asset Classes & Holdings
Liabilities, + or – perspectives of interest rates
Expenses and “Discretionary” spending
Net vs. Gross Income
Each definition will be framed by the two declarations and discussed within that context.
Our conversation will then offer you suggestions intending to help share/apply this knowledge as you move forward through the getting-to-yes process. We intend this program to perhaps inspire further study and discussion of the Many Meaning of Money.